Saturday, 29 March 2014

10 Best Summer Ski Resorts around the World

10 Best Summer Ski Resorts around the World

1. Ski Portillo, Chile

Ski Portillo
Most people imagine golden beaches and tropical cocktails when you think of Chile, but the country also offers some of the finest skiing slopes in the world. The Sky Portillo resort features stunning views of Laguna Del Inca and accommodates only 450 people at a time making it an exclusive and worthwhile haunt

2. Treble Cone, New Zealand

Treble ConeThis huge backcountry resort offers plenty of slaloms, jumps, table tops and miles of pristine white terrain for skiers of every level. The resort also organises competitions for the more adventurous skier, and you may even be lucky enough to get your photo featured on the website whilst showing off your best jumps.

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  1. Thanks for this valuable sharing! It's really helpful for those how have wished to enjoy the summer vacations outdoor. I’m also in search of a good place where I spend some time far from the high noise.
